Mission 1: Behind Enemy Lines in Sniper Elite Resistance contains 1 Collectible Location. This walkthrough will guide you to all the Collectibles. Nothing is missable, everything can be collected via Mission Select. You can still grab missing Collectibles after completing all Main Objectives, before exfiltrating.
To check which Collectibles you still need, press Options-Button > Service Record > Collectibles > Select Mission. This guide uses the same order as the in-game collectible menu order. The best approach is to clear all enemies from the map first, grab what you find along the way, then collect your missing items after. Sometimes Collectibles bug out and don’t spawn, but restarting the mission fixes this. Collectibles are saved instantly upon picking them up. You can return to the title screen without having to reach the next checkpoint. If you die you don’t have to pick it up again. For other missions see Sniper Elite Resistance Collectible Guide.
- Workbenches: 1
#1 – Workbench 1/1: Pistol
Found shortly after the beginning of the mission. You have to climb up a wall, there will be a house in front of you. It’s in the basement of the house behind a barrier.
That’s all of the Collectibles in Mission 1: Behind Enemy Lines. For all other missions refer to Sniper Elite Resistance Collectible Guide.