"Monster Hunter: Wilderness" is the latest work under the Monster Hunter IP. In this trial, players can decide whether to prioritize resolution or frame rate. Frame rate priority means that the focus is on frame rate and smooth experience, while giving up some pictures to make the picture rougher.
Sharing the meaning of frame rate priority
In this trial, players can decide whether to prioritize resolution or frame rate.
Frame rate priority means that the focus is on frame rate and smooth experience, while giving up some pictures to make the picture rougher.
Other strategies: Game launch time
The Steam version of "Monster Hunter: Wildlands" will be launched at 10 a.m. on February 28, 2025. The pre-loading time is probably the day before, and the possibility of ticket delays cannot be ruled out.
The PS version of "Monster Hunter: Wildlands" will be launched at 12:00 am on February 28, 2025.
The XBOX version of "Monster Hunter: Wildlands" will be launched on February 28, 2025.