"Monster Hunter: Wildlands" Bugstick Information Introduction

Oct 26 2024


"Monster Hunter: Wildlands" is the latest work under the Monster Hunter IP. The bug stick is a weapon in the game. This weapon can be used for combat in the air and is a very flexible weapon. The bug stick cannot be defended. Cao Chong Stick information shares the weapon used by Cao Chong Stick to control "hunting insects" to fight. You can collect essence to strengthen yourself. Can jump into the air to attack.

"Monster Hunter: Wilderness" is the latest work under the Monster Hunter IP. The bug stick is a weapon in the game. This weapon can be used for combat in the air and is a very flexible weapon. The bug stick cannot be defended.

Sharing of information about bug sticks

Insect stick

A weapon used to control the "Hunter" in combat.

You can collect essence to strengthen yourself.

Can jump to the air to attack.

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