All Space Marine 2 Dataslate locations

Sep 06 2024


Contents show Campaign Dataslate locations Skyfire Dataslate locations Severance Dataslate locations Machinus Divinitus Dataslate locations Servant of the Machine dataslate locations Voidsong Dataslat

Contents show Campaign Dataslate locations Skyfire Dataslate locations Severance Dataslate locations Machinus Divinitus Dataslate locations Servant of the Machine dataslate locations Voidsong Dataslate locations Dawn’s Descent dataslate locations Bellum Sempiternus dataslate locations

Dataslates are the only collectable you need to worry about in Space Marine 2. Trophy hunters will want to find these on each campaign and operation level, as they’ll often give you lore, alongside progress towards 100% completion. Since the way the missions are designed, mission one means you need to replay the entire mission to find the collectable you need. With the missions being fairly long, often ranging between 45-90 mins in most cases, that’s a long mission if you miss the dataslates. Here’s a closer look at where to find all Dataslates in Space Marine 2 to make it easy to get them.

Campaign Dataslate locations

We’ll split the data slate locations in Space Marine 2 into different chapters. We are going through the campaign first, with Operation in the second half of the guide. We’ll go through the campaign and then Operations missions in chronological order too. Be advised the Operation data slates are a work in progress and will be added as we find them ready for full launch.

Be advised that Dawn’s Descent and Bellem Sempiternus are two levels that are part of the same mission. You need to play through Mission 6 to get both of these map’s data slates. This mission is roughly two hours long, so keep that in mind while playing through the level.

Skyfire Dataslate locations

  1.  After completing the airstrike hold the line objective, and you’ll enter the samp. Go to the supplies drop pod as you load in, go up the hill, and then look left where the plants are. There’s a little grove you cna access by shooting the eyeball-looking plants or running through the bamboo shafts. The dataslate is in that small grove area.
  2.  When you reach the ruined operations base and proceed through the swamp objective, you’ll find a broken metal bridge from one side to the other. Tyranids will spawn, with some warrior jumping the broken bridge to reach your side Proceed to the other side where the structures are. On the right is a drop-down ledge with the data slate by a rock wall. Do not take the left drop-down where the IG you rendezvous with, as you’ll miss it.
  3. Go through the bunker after holding off enemies with the Cadian 8th regiment during the first level. When inside the bunker, travel up the first set of stairs to find them.
  4. When you reach the defend the orbital cannons objective, you’ll get an objective update. You’ll be told to go and repair the targeting relay system on one of the cannons. You’ll progress towards the cannon, and when you reach the elevator that takes you up the cannon. There’s a data slate near the elevator resupply points. Do not go up the elevator without grabbing the data slate first.


Severance Dataslate locations

  1. Go through the jungle swamp area as normal. You will reach some dead ultramarines that trigger voice lines. There will then be a ramp leading up where you get swarmed by Nids. Turn left, and you’ll find an abandoned Rhino IFV in a bushy area. The dataslate is behind the Rhino, along with a Bolt Sniper Rifle.
  2. Proceed through the swamp to reach the Mechanicus facility. Magos will open the large blast door to the facility when you reach it after the Lictor boss fight. Enter the facility, and you’ll find a small defensive Gaurdsman position directly opposite the entrance inside the building. The Dataslate is beside the cover. Do not turn right to the mission objective marker update as you’ll miss it.
  3. Proceed through the facility using the Pyrebalster to deal with the Nids in the first section of the facility. You’ll enter a metal indoor area. On the left, there’s a terminal you can interact with before going up the stairs and proceed in as normal through the tunnel. Interact with it, and you’ll find a new area with a few elites inside. The tunnel brings you to a dataslate at the end of it.
  4. After completing the Facility, you’ll get a jetpack segment. Proceed onward toward the cave tunnel. As you enter the cave built, jump up to a ledge above you. There’s a data slate at the edge of the ledge.


Machinus Divinitus Dataslate locations

  1. In the early stages of the level, you’ll ascend up a sloped building, where the ranged Tyranids have the high ground. You’ll take the spot and have to hold off a counterattack. After the counterattack completes, you should be able to access a building on the left side of the ramp if you’re looking up the ramp.  When you can access the building head into it, and go left towards a balcony that overlooks the sloped building you were defending. The dataslate is along the bench on that balcony section.
  2. Enter the large Mechanicum building where the Tyranids are sneaking around the vent rooms. Follow the path to the other side of the chasm. Before going through the door to proceed with the mission. Check the large tunnel corridor room with orange lighting on the left side to get the dataslate.
  3. Proceed through the mission and defeat the Carnifex. Enter the platform area and proceed through the locked door. Dead ahead and to the right of the door is a missable area with the Dataslate.


Servant of the Machine dataslate locations

  1. Access the elevator after the Lictor ambush. Exit the elevator at the top, turn left and check behind the elevator lift for the data slate.
  2. After the cutscene that brings you to the Temple of Thassean’s gates, check near the first set of steps. There’s a dataslate on the bench before going down.


Voidsong Dataslate locations

  1. Enter the building where the gate is shut and you need to restore power to it. Go into the area that has the space marine weapon drop pod. The room on the other side towards the corner of the inner building contains some spore mines guarding a dataslate.
  2. Proceed to the jetpack section of the level. You’ll go through sets of fighting Tyranids being fended off by Imperial Guardsmen. After the second battle on the jetpacks, you will proceed through a checkpoint door. As you enter the new area, you will find a cargo pod near some crumbling buildings. Use your pack to jump up to the ledge above for the dataslate. Do not progress past the cargo pod, as your jetpacks will heavily beep at you, and turn off,  If this happens reload the checkpoint to get back towards the blast door and jump to the ledge above the cargo pod.
  3. After defeating the gauntlet of Tyrnaid Carnifexs on the ledge, you’ll enter a resting area for Guardsmen by a shrine. Go through the building, and you’ll find a room where the guardsmen and Mechanicum’s Tech Priests are burning the biomass inside. There’s a daaslate hiding in the corner of the room near the doorway.


Dawn’s Descent dataslate locations

  1. Complete the opening sequence where you are jump-packing around the graveyard area. When you reach the enter the cathedral section after destroying the corrupted eye, check the small graveyard on the left before jumping into the cathedral’s roof. It should be buried next to some rubble and some gravestones.
  2. After the defence objective where you crash the ship into the spire, you will load into another outdoor crypt graveyard area. Proceed down the path and stick to the left when you reach the main graveyard area. You’ll walk down a hill towards a dead-end crypt area. There’s a dataslate hidden behind the crypt buildings towards the end of the pathway.
  3. Head into the Mechanicus compound underground. Continue to explore the mine, till you reach the square-shaped mined-out area with the chaos enemies and the lesser sorcerer. Deal with the waves as normal. Once you can leave, do so, and turn left towards the edge. The dataslate is by the edge.
  4. Go down the large elevator that leads deeper into the mine. Your objective should be to reach Aurora. You’ll enter a flat bridge area that goes straight on leading to a road that goes down the hill on the left side. there is a small pc terminal area with some Necron devices on the right of the road. The dataslate is next to the pc connected to the Necron centipede.


Bellum Sempiternus dataslate locations

As mentioned, the Bellum level is the second half of the Sixth mission in the campaign. You will need to progress the previous stages of this level to start finding these.

  1. When you return to the Imperial Guards position after the incident in the Tomb area, you’ll drop down into a barracks area with an indoor section. There is a dataslate in a corner of the inner barracks area. Do not progress to the marker that leads out of the barracks till you get it.
  2. After reuniting with the Captain, proceed through the church’s catacombs. You’ll get told to go and find the battle-standard dudes. You’ll enter a church area fighting a Chaos Sorcerer and his Rubric marines. In the room after that battle, you’ll find a sanctuary. Go up a set of stairs away from the main story progression are some graves with a dataslate on the left-hand side.
  3. After reuniting with Calgar, proceed through the church area where the Terminators with Power Swords charge you. Proceed into the lobby below and fight the Tzangors and chaos soldiers. You’ll then lead outside and go around a round corner. This brings you to the ruins of a building. Before proceeding forward, turn right near the doorway, and you should find an optional area with a dataslate behind some debris.


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