All Black Ops 6 Mastery Camos and How to Unlock Them

Aug 31 2024


Contents show All Mastery Camos in Black Ops 6 How to unlock Mastery Camos How to unlock Multiplayer Mastery Camos How to unlock Zombie Mastery Camos How to unlock Warzone Mastery CamosBlack Ops 6 is

Contents show All Mastery Camos in Black Ops 6 How to unlock Mastery Camos How to unlock Multiplayer Mastery Camos How to unlock Zombie Mastery Camos How to unlock Warzone Mastery Camos

Black Ops 6 is back, and with it, bringing in a mixture of Mastery Camo challenges as seen with previous Black Ops titles, and the more recent Modern Warfare games. Players will be able to get a mixture of designs, reflecting what Treyarch is calling military camos and unique camos, alongside the prestigious mastery camos. Here’s everything you need to know to unlock the new Black Ops 6 Mastery Camos.

All Mastery Camos in Black Ops 6

In total, there are four mastery camos per weapon, per game mode. This gives players 12 weapon camo masteries to grind via Multiplayer, Zombies and now including Warzone. Here are the types of weapon mastery camos you can get. You can get an idea of their aesthetics via the different modes in our image galleries below.

Mastery Camo Mode
Gold Multiplayer
Diamond Multiplayer
Dark Spine Multiplayer
Dark Matter Multiplayer
Mystic Gold Zombies
Opal Zombies
Afterlife Zombies
Nebula Zombies
Gold Tiger Warzone
King’s Ransom Warzone
Catalyst Warzone
Abyss Warzone

The Black Ops 6 mastery camo grind is changing. Players now need to complete 9 military challenges, and two uniques to unlock the mastery camo track for that gun or weapon.

How to unlock Mastery Camos

Note that the Camo Mastery system is structured the same as previous CoDs.

  1. Complete the military and unique camo challenges for a gun.
  2. Unlock the first mastery camo for that gun.
  3. Unlock a set number of mastery camo challenges for that gun type to reach the next mastery type.
  4. Repeat the process for all gun types.
  5. Each mastery camo challenge unlock requires you to complete another weapon challenge to unlock the camo for that gun.
  6. Repeat the process across all guns to get the final camo mastery for that Black Ops 6 game mode.

You’ll need to unlock the first mastery camo from that game mode for each weapon type. You have base camos for each gun, which when completed, unlock the first mastery camo challenge. Completing enough mastery camo challenges for a gun type awards the next tier of challenges for that weapon type. So on and so forth. You must get a set amount of the mastery camos to unlock the final tier of the mastery camos for that gun. Typically that number is based on the number of guns available at launch in Season 0. 

The military camos is essentially a headshot-style challenge. This is your old-school camo challenge, dating back to the old blue tiger and red tiger grind from the early cod games. Simply get headshots with most weapons. Launchers and knives have different challenges yet to be disclosed. Each weapon has nine different military camos to unlock, which is up from the four base camos seen in recent CoD titles

Unique camos are a new feature, which gives each gun two unique challenges and camos as a reward. These camo challenges are more akin to the puzzles and random playstyle adaptation from the recent CoD games. Expect the likes of hip fire, multi-kills, or point-blank type challenges for the unique challenges.


How to unlock Multiplayer Mastery Camos

The multiplayer camo challenges are similar to how they worked in previous CoDs, bar the addition of the new military camos and unique camos. It gives a few extra skin types and challenges to complete to progress the mystery camo system. The process of getting multiplayer camos is as follows:

  • Gold Camo: Complete all Military and Unique Camos for the Weapon and then complete the Gold Camo Challenge.
  • Diamond: Earn Gold Camo for all Weapons in the Weapon Class and then complete the Diamond Camo Challenge.
  • Dark Spine: Earn Diamond Camo for all Weapons in the game and then complete the Dark Spine Camo Challenge.
  • Dark Matter: Earn Dark Spine for all Weapons in the Game and then complete the Dark Matter Camo Challenge.


How to unlock Zombie Mastery Camos

Like with Multiplayer, Zombie players will need to work through each weapon and then each mastery camo one at a time. The process  is as follows: 

  • Mystic Gold Camo: Complete all Military and Unique Camos for the Weapon and then complete the Mystic Gold Camo Challenge.
  • Opal: Earn Mystic Gold Camo for all Weapons in the Weapon Class and then complete the Opal Camo Challenge.
  • Afterlife: Earn Opal Camo for all Weapons in the game and then complete the Afterlife Camo Challenge.
  • Nebula: Earn Afterlife for all Weapons in the Game and then complete the Nebula Camo Challenge.

Interstingly, the Nebula camo mastery is similar to those seen in MW2 and MW3 camo challenges. I’m not sure another space camo is desirable – but here we are.


How to unlock Warzone Mastery Camos

This is the first time Warzone has been included as a major way to complete the camo challenge grind. However, the process is not too different to the Zombies and multiplayer camo grinds as we’ve seen with the last few launches.

  • Gold Tiger Camo: Complete all Military and Unique Camos for the Weapon and then complete the Gold Tiger Camo Challenge.
  • King’s Ransom: Earn Gold Tiger Camo for all Weapons in the Weapon Class and then complete the King’s Ransom Camo Challenge.
  • Catalyst: Earn King’s Ransom Camo for all Weapons in the game and then complete the Catalyst Camo Challenge.
  • Abyss: Earn Catalyst for all Weapons in the Game and then complete the Abyss Camo Challenge.

This concludes all the mastery camos challenges you’ll be grinding for the next CoD title.

Which mastery camo skin is your favourite in Black Ops 6?

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