You can undertake plenty of quests in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. One of these happens early in the campaign, and it's the perfect way to introduce you to the game's expansive and compelling story. Here's our guide on how to complete Wedding Crashers in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.
How to complete Wedding Crashers in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 - Quest guide
The Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Wedding Crashers quest has everything you could ask for. It's the first "proper" main quest in the campaign, and it has several optional tasks that you can tackle. It's also the culmination of a few narrative arcs, assuming you've met some of the supporting characters beforehand. Of course, it's also worth discussing how you tackle each objective, especially if you don't want to "accidentally" finish each segment without realizing it.
How to start the Wedding Crashers quest
When you get the Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Wedding Crashers quest, you're told that you still need to gain an invite to the ceremony. You have three options available to you:
Head straight to Semine and find a way to attend the party.
Ask for help from Radovan the blacksmith.
Ask for help from Kreyzl the miller.
In our playthrough, we opted to ask the blacksmith Radovan for help. This involved crafting a new sword at the forge, before we were told to visit the town of Semine.
Where to find Pebbles in Semine
At some point, you're asked to head to the town of Semine, which then leads to a side quest called The Jaunt. You're technically not required to complete this. In fact, the most notable reward here is that you have a chance to get a free horse mount. It's none other than Henry's old horse, Pebbles. Talk to the groom to convince him that you were part of the group that got ambushed by the pond, and he'll hand over Pebbles back to your care.
Note that we failed this side quest during our playthrough since we were preoccupied with other matters. However, when we returned to Radovan, we just pretended that everything went well. He then asked us to make another sword, one that would be presented as a gift to the newlyweds.
How to pick the right clothes for the wedding
Before you can attend the wedding in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, you must first wear a proper attire that befits a gentleman. Visit the tailor in Troskowitz and look for civilian clothes that (a) aren't that expensive, and (b) aren't too shabby.
Regular merchant or townsfolk clothes should be fine. You don't need to look like a regal noble, but you can't look like a bandit or a beggar either.
Make sure you're not wearing any piece of armor.
Wash yourself at the trough or use the bathhouse at the next village.
The tailor will tell you if you look snazzy enough to attend the ceremony.
Wedding Crashers quest structure
The Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Wedding Crashers quest is a multi-stage activity. Here are some important caveats:
You won't be able to leave the town of Semine until this quest, as well as the next one, have been completed. Be sure you have everything that you need.
Your main objective is to wait for Lord von Bergow to arrive. However, each "phase" has a key objective that you need to complete, which causes a transition to the next phase.
Each phase also has several optional objectives that you can tackle. Some of these tasks are missable if you're unable to do them at that particular time.
Phase transitions, as well as a few optional tasks, trigger autosaves. You should still have some extra Savior Schnapps in case you want to do manual saves.
During the last phase after the bride and groom have made their vows, do not talk to the bride. This will conclude the quest itself. Try to finish the remaining optional objectives first.
Optional: Barn duels
At the start and each phase thereafter, you can join duels that take place in the barn. These are "first blood" rules matches, so the goal is to hit your opponents repeatedly until they're wounded. Even if you lose an earlier duel, you can still challenge the next opponent.
Optional: Dances and romances
There are two ladies that you can dance with:
Doubravka - Her mother says no one wants to dance with her because she's clumsy. You can convince her to dance with you so she can enjoy the festivities.
Myshka - She's being courted by a fellah with an attitude that befits the stories in the NiceGuys subreddit. As Henry, you can be straightforward and say that she doesn't like poetry at all. When the two of you are alone, you can ask her to dance with you.
Note that Doubravka has a related romance scene, which happens when you talk to her during the second phase of the celebrations. Unfortunately, we're unable to confirm if Myshka has her own romance scene. We tried, but she rebuffed Henry's advances.
Optional: Prevent Vostatek from getting drunk
Vostatek the gamekeeper is the same fellah that you rescue as part of the Lackey quest and, by extension, the Mutt quest. Assuming you've done those tasks, you'll see him, his wife Zlata, and their son Vitek, as guests at the party.
Ceremony start/first phase: Talk to Vostatek to get an optional objective where you have to convince him to stop drinking. In the next stages, you have to find him in well-hidden spots to tell him not to consume alcohol.
Second phase: Vostatek can be found in a dark corner of the barn, close to where the duels are taking place.
Third phase: Vostatek can be found by the marsh past the side door at the courtyard. It's also the same place where you ask Myshka to dance with you and where you'd find the sword.
Last phase: Vostatek is standing next to his wife in front of the kitchen. He'll happily tell you that he's stopped drinking because of your advice.
Optional: Find food for the poor
This occurs during the second phase of the ceremony. You're told that several poor folks are outside looking for food. You have two options:
You can try to sneak past the head cook to enter the pantry, which has a lot of food.
Alternatively, you can just grab pastries and other goodies off the kitchen and garden tables.
Regardless of your decision, you need to have 40 pieces of food to give to the guard at the main gate. The guard will then hand these over to the poor folks.
Optional: Find drinks for the Moravians
The Moravians are a merry bunch looking for a strong drink. The only one in the castle is in the cellar, which is considered a restricted area. There's also a guard posted outside the door.
If you eavesdrop on the guard, you'll hear him say that he needs a drink. Look for a bottle of alcohol, such as Schnapps or Wine, if you don't have one in your inventory. Give the drink to him to make him leave. Once the coast is clear, enter the cellar and grab the Moravian Schnapps so you can give the item to the rowdy bunch.
Optional: Farkle dice matches
You can play Farkle with several NPCs during the Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Wedding Crashers quest. Think of it like a gauntlet where you have to challenge characters. These include:
Ulrich the chancellor - Can be challenged during the second phase onward.
Radovan the blacksmith - Can be challenged during the third phase after you find the sword.
Thrush the bailiff - Can be challenged during the final phase.
After beating Thrush, he'll tell you that he's got no reward to give out because he lost a wager to none other than Betty the innkeeper. Of course, this means you could also challenge her to a match. If you win, you'll receive the Gold Wedding Badge, which allows you to reroll up to three dice.
Note: You can learn more about this activity in our Farkle dice game guide and unique badges/dice guide.
Main objective: Hans, Svatya, and the sword
During the third phase, you're told by Radovan that the sword is missing. You then have to chat with several people, who inform you that a man wearing yellow clothes nicked it.
Go up to the second floor of the barn to find Hans Capon, who's having a flirtatious moment with a lady.
Hans says that Svatya stole the sword, and that he last saw him at the corner of the courtyard.
Svatya is actually just outside the barn. Specifically, he's standing next to the horse carriage.
Svatya admits that he stole the sword and he hid it in the marsh. Take the side exit at the courtyard and check the shallow water outside--i.e. the same spot where you talked to Myshka and Vostatek in earlier phases.
Give the sword to Radovan to conclude the third phase.
Wedding Crashers conclusion
After handing the sword to Radovan, a cutscene will trigger, where the bride and groom make their vows. This leads to the last phase of the Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Wedding Crashers quest.
Complete all remaining side objectives, such as chatting with Vostatek to learn that he's no longer drinking.
You should also challenge Farkle dice minigame opponents, especially Betty the innkeeper, to receive a unique gold badge.
Ask the NPCs about the location of the bride and groom.
The bride is crying in the cellar, the same place where you found the Moravian Schnapps earlier. The moment you talk to her, a fight breaks out. You have to use your fists to beat up several foes. Once the commotion has died down, Henry and Hans will have to face their punishment.
That does it for our Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Wedding Crashers quest guide. You just went out of the frying pan and straight into the fire. You're railroaded to the next main quest, which is also one of the most thrilling and harrowing experiences in the game: For Whom the Bell Tolls.