Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 - How To Brew Potions Via Alchemy

Feb 05 2025


Let's face it: Buying potions often in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 will cost you a pretty penny. So why not craft your own concoctions? Of course, you need to be careful not just with the ingredients

Let's face it: Buying potions often in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 will cost you a pretty penny. So why not craft your own concoctions? Of course, you need to be careful not just with the ingredients that you gather, but also the actual steps when making your drinks. Here's our guide Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Alchemy guide to help you brew potions.

How to brew potions in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 - Alchemy guide

Alchemy in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is one of the most involved (and immersive) processes in the entire game. You have to gather a bunch of ingredients, and then manually brew, grind, or distill what you've come up with. There are also a couple of tidbits to consider:

Many settlements have an alchemy bench that you can use freely.

Most potions have a default quality, as well as "strong" and "weak" qualities. The former is a result of following the alchemical process perfectly, while the latter happens if you made a few mistakes.

You can brew potions of exceptional quality if you acquire the Alchemy: Secret of Secrets perk. These items have a greater effect compared to strong-tier counterparts.

Alchemy: Secret of Matter is one of the best perks to get, since it lets you gain +1 extra potion of the same quality from each completed process. However, this is mutually exclusive with Alchemy: Secret of Equilibrium, which allows you to make some minor errors while still obtaining rewards of decent quality.

Critical mistakes, such as using the wrong base or ingredients, lead to a failed result and a waste of materials.

Gathering herbs from the wild

You can gather all sorts of herbs that can be used for the Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Alchemy process. The most notable perks are:

Survival: Flower Power - Gain +2 Charisma if you have more than 30 fresh or dried herbs in your inventory.

Survival: Leg Day - Gain additional Strength XP whenever you collect herbs.

Survival: Lucky Find - You have a chance to find additional treasure or an extra herb while collecting.

Buying herbs and recipes from vendors

If you don't want to spend so much time gathering herbs, you could just buy them directly from vendors. The merchants with the most wares are those in apothecary shops. Moreover, apothecary NPCs sell all sorts of recipes that you can learn from the Books tab in your inventory.

Reading and understanding the recipe booklet

When you begin the process of Alchemy in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, you always need to look at the recipe booklet. This shows you the required reagents, their respective amounts, and the steps that you need to follow with absolute precision.

Likewise, if you have the ingredients in your inventory, you can just hold the "Prepare" button prompt. This will automatically cause the reagents to appear in neatly placed jars that you can interact with, instead of having to select them individually from your inventory.

Lastly, note that some locations with Alchemy benches are quite dark. It's best to bring out your torch before starting the process. This allows you to glance at the booklet so you can reread the instructions.

The base, adding reagents, and grinding them into powder

When reading the recipe booklet, it's important to understand the terms and phrases that are being used:

You must first pour the required base--i.e. water, wine, spirits, or oil. These are found at the left-hand side of the table.

"X handfuls" - Refers to how many times you need to grab a particular reagent from its sack.

"Add X ingredient to the cauldron" - Simply grab the required handfuls and toss them into the cauldron.

"Grind X ingredient" - Pick up the materials and place them in the mortar bowl. Then, select the pestle to grind them into powder before throwing them into the cauldron.

The cauldron, sandglass, and bellows

All ingredients will eventually need to be placed in the cauldron. The question is how long you need to boil them. To do this, look at the recipe booklet to see the number of turns. Here are some examples:

"Boil for one turn" - Throw the materials into the cauldron and bring the cauldron down, closer to the fire. Then, quickly rotate the sandglass (i.e. hourglass) and wait until all the sand has dropped to the bottom half of the container. This represents a single turn.

"Boil for two turns" - With the cauldron closer to the fire, rotate the sandglass for one turn. Then, rotate it over again to complete the two required turns.

"Boil for one turn using the bellows" - After lowering the cauldron and rotating the sandglass, use the button prompt for the bellows once for that turn only.

Once the required number of turns are done, as stated in each step in the recipe booklet, move the cauldron up and away from the fire.

Pouring versus distilling

The last part of the Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Alchemy process is all about pouring or distilling your concoction:

"Pour" - Grab the phial in the lower-left side of the table, face the cauldron, and hold the button prompt.

"Distill" - Grab the phial in the lower-left side of the table, face the still in front of you, and hold the button prompt.

"Pour into mortar and grind" - This applies to craftable ammo for your guns. Instead of adding the liquids to the phial or still, you continue to grind them in the mortar until you have gunpowder.

That does it for our guide on how to brew potions in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. While we're on the subject of drinks and concoctions, you might want to check our guides for various items, such as:

Savior Schnapps - Allows you to do manual saves.

Marigold Decoction - Heals your character.

Lethean Water - Resets your skills and perks.

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