Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Oratores Walkthrough

Feb 04 2025


Oratores is the 24th main quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the Oratores main story quest.Ride to Suchdol to join the othersGo to Suchdol i

Oratores is the 24th main quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the Oratores main story quest.

Ride to Suchdol to join the others

Go to Suchdol in the west of the map. You must come at day to get the “A” objective marker inside the Suchdol castle. Talk to Jan Zizka to advance the story. At night he’s asleep and the quest marker won’t appear. After 8:00 AM works. If you go there immediately after the previous quest he will say he’s not ready yet, in that case sleep in a bed to trigger a cutscene, then talk to Zizka again.

This will trigger the interrogation of Otto von Bergow. You have a long conversation with your team, they decide to steal Sigismund’s silver from the Italian Court in Kuttenberg, then he can’t pay his army. What dialogues you pick here doesn’t matter at all. The conversation always progresses the same, you are tasked with bringing Lady Rosa home to her palace. She knows a secret tunnel that goes from her palace to the Italian Court.

Escort Lady Rosa to Ruthard Palace

Talk to Lady Rosa, exhaust the dialogues to initiate fast travel to Kuttenberg.

You will arrive at a secret tunnel entrance to Kuttenberg. To gain reputation say “Don’t worry, I’ll be with you”. Rosa will guide the way, follow her. When she stops at a flooded section, talk to her.

To gain reputation: “So what?” > “Alright, I’ll carry you”.

Carry Rosa over the flooded section of the passageway

Grab Lady Rosa with / and carry her through the flooded section, drop her off at the other end.

Then continue following her to the end of the tunnel.

Say “What do you mean, get rid of them?” > “We don’t even know how many there are” > “And what are you going to do?” > “Alright”. Rosa will climb up to her room.

Get rid of the lowlifes in Ruthard Palace

You must now clear out the enemies in Ruthard Palace. There are lots of enemies here and you’re by yourself, but they are poorly equipped and don’t have armor. Easiest method is to lure them down the staircase, then only 1 can attack you from the front.

After defeating all in the courtyard, Rosa will call out for you. You can reply with / , she says someone is trying to break into her room. Go upstairs and defeat the remaining enemies. Again lure them down the stairs so you can’t get attacked from the side.

Tell Rosa the coast is clear

Knock on Rosa’s room and she’ll open up. Before going in, wash yourself in the trough downstairs in the courtyard.


To get Rosa’s sex scene, say the following: “It’ll all be alright” > “Allies are our most valuable asset” > “I won’t let you go away!” > “Kiss Rosa” –> results in Rosa Sex Scene which concludes the Romance with her.

With some of the other choices you don’t get to kiss her and won’t get Rosa’s sex scene. You should also have done her missable Side Quest Rosa’s Book during Main Quest 18: Taking French Leave. During Main Quest 23: Dancing with the Devil, you should have rescued her from the tower and not threatened to burn the tower with her and Bergow inside.

If you kissed Rosa you will spend the night with her. If you don’t, she will send you to bed downstairs alone.

[Only if you skipped Rosa Romance] Go and get some sleep

If you don’t kiss Rosa, you must sleep in the bed in the servant’s quarters, accessible from the courtyard.

Talk to Zizka

When you wake up, go out to the courtyard and talk to Zizka who stands there. Exhaust all dialogues, doesn’t matter what you say. He sends you to get Vavak’s mint master key.

Get Vavak’s help with the silver theft

Go to Vavak’s house in Kuttenberg, it will be marked. The front door has a very hard lock and is guarded. You must lockpick the backdoor which has an easy lock.

Inside the building you won’t find Vavak but Christian of Pisek, talk to him.

What Christian says will depend on how you ended Main Quest 17: Via Argentum. If at the end of that quest you accepted his bribe and let him take over the counterfeiting activities, he will automatically agree to help you regardless of what you promise in return. The available dialogs will vary, but if you followed all main quest walkthroughs this will work:

“I’m the one asking questions here” > “Where is Vavak?” > “Did Vavak take his key with him?” > “I’ll only tell you the bare essentials” > “You’ll become the new mint master” > “The church council meeting will distract them from the theft” > “No one here knows Italian”.

Get the key to the royal treasury

The royal treasury key is found in the outhouse (toilet) in the backyard outside Vavak’s house. It’s at the southern tip of the yellow search area. It will show the “investigate” prompt when you go near it, then you pull the royal treasury key out of the feces.

Go back to Zizka with the key

Report back to Zizka at Ruthard’s palace. With the info you got from Christian you can say: “He said the guard commander speaks Italian” > “He said we’re as good as dead” > “What are we to do in the cellar?” > “What are the others doing now?”.

Ask Rosa about the underground passageways

Talk to Lady Rosa, exhaust all questions. Doesn’t matter in what order, can’t say anything wrong here.

Explore the underground passage with Samuel

Talk to Samuel, he’ll be marked in Ruthard’s Palace. At day he’s usually sitting in the stables across the courtyard. Doesn’t matter what you say, he’ll always go with you to the tunnels.

Follow him, the access point is through the Ruthard Palace stables, down the ladder.

Get rid of the looters in the crypt

In the underground tunnels you will walk into two looters. You can kill them or make them go away peacfully. The peaceful solution is to talk and say they can leave through the Ruthard Palace, then they leave.

Continue following Samuel. You must knock on the wall where the stone is discolored. Interact with the dark discoloration in the back corner:

Henry marks this as the wall to breach for the heist. Then follow Samuel back out the same way you came.

Report to Zizka

Talk to Zizka in Ruthard Palace, he’ll be marked. He gives 175 Groschen. You then sit with your team to discuss ambushing the cardinal, doesn’t matter what you say. You will always be tasked with ambushing the cardinal.

Tell Godwin about the guard commander (Optional)

Talk to Father Godwin, he should stand at the table in the same room, exhaust all dialogues.

Get ready to go to Loretz

When ready to depart talk to Dry Devil in Ruthard’s Palace, he’ll be marked. Say “Shall we go to Loretz?” > “(Wait until setting off)”. This skips to 4:00 AM and you fast travel to Loretz north of Kuttenberg.

A cutscene plays, things don’t go as planned and the cardinal tries to flee on horseback.

Don’t let the cardinal flee

Ride after the cardinal until another cutscene triggers. The cardinal automatically dies here, can’t prevent it. This unlocks the story-related trophy  Martyr (helped the legate attain martyrdom).

Point of No Return Warning: After the cutscene you talk to Zizka. This is your last chance to finish remaining side content. If you have anything left to do, say “Alright, I’ll join you later”. If you say “I’m coming with you” you will be locked into the rest of the story for a while. When you’re done with final preparations you can proceed. After this quest you get locked into the ending, come well prepared and have plenty of Marigold decoctions in your inventory and quickslotted to your pouch to heal yourself during battle (bought from apothecaries).

For all Side Content refer to Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Side Quests & Tasks.

Talk to Zizka about what’s next

Back at Ruthard Palace talk to Zizka again.

Learn basics of Italian from Brabant

Talk to Vauquelin Brabant at Ruthard Palace, he’ll be marked. He teaches you some Italian words for the upcoming church council meeting:

  • Buona sera, signori = Good evening, gentlemen
  • Molte grazie! = Thank you very much
  • Scusi! Mi sono perso = Excuse me, I am lost.
  • Fatta la legge, trovato l’inganno = Every law has a loophole
  • O mangi la minestra o salti dalla finestra = Either you eat the soup, or you jump out the window (play by the rules or don’t play at all)
  • Sei proprio un baccalá = You are a real salted cod!

Pick up Italian clothes from Lady Rosa

Exhaust the dialogues with Lady Rosa. Then switch to the outfit you want to replace ( / in inventory) and interact with the chest outside Rosa’s room to change into Italian clothes.

Prepare to leave for the Italian Court

Lastly, talk to Father Godwin who’s dressed in red. This completes the quest and starts the next one.


This finishes Oratores main quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.

Next Quest: The Italian Job

For all other Quests refer to Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Walkthrough.

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