Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver 1&2 Remastered All Collectibles Locations

Dec 10 2024


This guide contains all Collectible Locations for Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered (2024 release for PS4, PS5, Xbox Series S/X, Xbox One, Switch, PC). Soul Reaver 1 Remaster contains 41 Collectibles and 8

This guide contains all Collectible Locations for Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered (2024 release for PS4, PS5, Xbox Series S/X, Xbox One, Switch, PC). Soul Reaver 1 Remaster contains 41 Collectibles and 8 missable Trophies/Achievements. Soul Reaver 2 Remaster doesn’t contain any collectibles, but it does have 10 missable Trophies/Achievements that you should look out for. This 100% All-in-One Guide contains everything in chronological order, including the missable Trophies/Achievements.

Make use of the manual save slots and save in a different slot from time to time, e.g. after each boss. Even if you miss something you can then go back and replay from there. In Soul Reaver 1 you can still free-roam after the story by reloading your last savefile before the endboss. You can still reach all collectibles from that point. Because of this none of the Collectibles are missable (just 8 of the miscellaneous trophies are missable). So if you want, you could technically keep all collectibles for after the story. This guide is based on the story order in which you can reach the collectibles and is best used while playthrough the the game.

Soul Reaver 2 doesn’t have free-roam after the story, but this doesn’t matter as it doesn’t have collectibles. The 10 missable trophies for Soul Reaver 2 are listed at the end of the guide. Also check out Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver 1&2 Remastered Trophy & Roadmap.

Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver 1 Remastered

  • 15 Health Upgrades
  • 14 Teleport Gates
  • 5 Glyph Points Upgrades
  • 6 Glyphs
  • 6 Ariel Hints
  • 1 Fire Reaver

Teleport Gate 1: Underworld – this is the first gate you will come across in the game. You will run through the room with it at the very beginning, impossible to miss. It functions as a quick way of leaving the underworld should you land here after dying in the spectral realm.

Teleport Gate 2: Lake of the Dead – after you pass some ravens sitting on a wooden beam above you. You will see a door with a sun-like symbol on your left (remember this symbol, since it always indicates a teleport room). Inside, follow the path to the teleport. The Abyss teleport is south of the Abyss, which splits the path quite a lot, so remember that the direction that leads to the teleport is south.

Teleport Gate 3: Raziel’s Stronghold – in the same courtyard you can find another door leading to the third teleport gate.

Special Info / Missable Trophy: Don’t be afraid – After the scene with 2 vampires killing a human you will go through a gate with a Melchiah clan symbol. After that gate you will encounter a single human enemy with a crossbow. Do NOT kill him. This is important because killing any humans will lock you out of the trophy “Don’t be afraid”. You are not allowed to kill any humans during this playthrough until reaching the Human Citadel to unlock the trophy. If you kill any human you will lock yourself out of the trophy for this playthrough. Also for another missable trophy “Dissolution”, remember to Jump into water in Physical Realm at any point before defeating Rahab.

Teleport Gate 4: Necropolis – Unmissable room. You will head down a spiral staircase and at the bottom you will run straight into this teleport.

Melchiah Boss Battle / Missable Trophy: Backstabber – Hit Melchiah in the back for the missable trophy “Backstabber”. Once you defeat Melchiah, you will unlock phasing through gates in Spectral Realm, from now on you can head back to some of the previous areas in order to find some collectibles.

Health Upgrade 1 – After leaving Melchiah’s lair and hearing from Elder God where to go next, jump into the lake. While in the spectral realm you can phase through the gate at the bottom of this lake where you can see the health upgrade piece behind it.

Force Glyph – in the same lake, phase through the other gate and go up the slope. There switch back to the physical realm and knock over the 3 pillars to reveal the Force Glyph.

Health Upgrade 2 – once you are back at the teleport, use it to get back to Teleport #3 in Raziel’s territory. Exit the room, head back to the big set of stairs and then the small one. Push the block from one side of this area to the other wall where you can see the upgrade behind some bars. Switch to the spectral realm and phase through the bars to get the health upgrade.

Health Upgrade 3 – Teleport back to teleport #2 near the Abyss and head south towards the beginning of the game. You can now get through the gate next to the big closed door and you will run straight into it. It is the main story progression to get through here so it is very hard to not see it.

Kain Boss Battle / Missable Trophy: Unconscionable – Do not get hit by Kain during the fight for the missable trophy “Unconscionable”. Defeating Kain will grant you the Soul Reaver. You can use Soul Reaver at all times in the Spectral Realm. In Physical Realm you can only use it while you are at full health. Having the Soul Reaver also blocks your health from constantly going down in Physical Realm.

Ariel HINT: “Far in the eastern mountains…” – after the first cutscene with Ariel. Stand on the glowing floor circle to hear the hint.

Health Upgrade 4 – You can also get it before Kain if you want but it is on your way towards your next objective now so it is convenient. After beating Kain, head back through the gate where you found the previous Health Upgrade and head back a few rooms, to the room where you got the tutorial about the weaknesses of the vampires. Inside the water you can phase through the gate to find the upgrade piece.

Glyph Points Upgrade 1 – With Soul Reaver in your inventory head back to Melchiah’s Teleport (Teleport #4). Enter his fortress and jump across the lake. Kill the enemies and hit the tomb in the bottom right corner with the Soul Reaver. It will open up and will let you jump into it. Down there open the door using the Soul Reaver and inside you will find the upgrade.

Teleport Gate 5: Silenced Cathedral – before entering the Silent Cathedral area. In front of the Cathedral you can find 2 cave entrances, one is where you came from to reach this area, the other one leads to this teleport. You will run past 2 humans on your way there, do not kill them.

Health Upgrade 5 – In the Silent Cathedral. After breaking the glass wall using the 2 bells, use the crank above the pipes. It will move a huge stone block, creating a path. Switch to the spectral realm and get to the spot, gliding from where the glass wall used to be. Once behind the block, switch realms back to physical, activate the switch on the wall so the block does not move again and go through the door there. Glide to the door on the opposite side and there you will find a glass dome with the upgrade inside. Phase through the gate next to it and solve the bigger block puzzle to unlock the upgrade.

Teleport Gate 6: Zephon’s Lair – after the lengthy dungeon you will fix three pipes in the end which will create a wind draft from a triple pipe. Glide to the top and follow the path until it splits. Going the left path leads to Zephon, the right path leads to this teleport.

Zephon Boss Battle / Missable Trophy: Dismembered – Destroy all 4 of Zephon’s legs with the Soul Reaver for the missable trophy “Dismembered”. Defeating Zephon will grant you the ability to scale specific walls in the Physical Realm. This will open new paths and also let you go back to some previous areas in order to grab some more collectibles. Three health upgrades, one of which you can find in an optional area that also has a Warp Gate and the Stone Glyph.

ARIEL HINT: “Like a corpse in a shallow grave, …” – Head to Ariel after defeating Zephon.

Health Upgrade 6 – Teleport to Melchiah territory (Teleport #4). Head outside the door from the teleport room and as usual jump on the platforms on the lake. On the second platform look to your left to see a climbable wall, which you can now scale after defeating Zephon. Up there you can find the Health Upgrade.

Teleport Gate 7: Nupraptor’s Retreat (Stone Glyph area) – In the same area drop down into the lake and follow the left cave underwater. Outside you will find a realm shift and a climbable wall. You will find an area with a big skull. In this area you can climb a wall that leads to a Warp Gate.

Stone Glyph – In Nupraptor’s Retreat, jump inside the eye of the huge skull. Follow the path in that area, that includes platforming up some wooden beams. At the top follow the path until a balcony from where you will have to glide towards a cliff with a burning bonfire/torch (remember that bonfire for the next health upgrade). There at the end you will find a mural block puzzle in a room with a stone statue. Solve the puzzle and the statue will give you the Stone Glyph. (A block is outside the room up the ledge on your left when leaving the room, you need to push it down from there and push it back into the room).

Health Upgrade 7 – Teleport back to the Underworld (Teleport #1) and follow the path from the beginning of the game until you reach the pillars, where you can switch back to Physical Realm. Scale the climbable wall there to find it.

Teleport Gate 8: Tomb of Sarafan – When you get the cutscene about the Tomb of Serafan, go to the left edge of this area and climb the cliffs. There inside a save is the Warp Gate.

Tomb Guardian Boss Battle – None of your brothers, but a miniboss. Defeating this miniboss will grant you the projectile ability which will once again open some paths for other collectibles.

Health Upgrade 8 – In the same area where you found the Stone Glyph. On the cliffs with the bonfire look across to the other side and shoot the block with your projectile. You can now climb to the top of the wall where you will find the upgrade.

Sound Glyph – teleport to Zephon Territory and inside the Cathedral head to the area with the first wind-updraft. Drop to the bottom of the wind tunnel and enter the tunnel there. You will find a wall to climb and a window you have to shoot with your projectile. Get up there and follow these steps:

  • Switch to Spectral Realm and phase through the gate
  • Run to the end of the room, switch back to Physical Realm
  • Grab the Golden Hammer/Mallet from the wall
  • Throw the Hammer to one of the alcoves, way up high on either side of the room (you need to step back a bit to be able to throw it up there)
  • Climb the wall next to the gate you came from
  • Up there switch to Spectral Realm and glide to the first pillar
  • Switch back to physical and grab the mallet you threw up here
  • With the hammer glide towards the third pillar and throw the hammer through the window there
  • Switch to Spectral Realm on the third pillar to reach the place where you threw the hammer through the window
  • Switch back to Physical Realm, pick up your Golden Hammer and use it to hit the Bell at the end to obtain the Sound Glyph

Glyph Points Upgrade 2 – Just like the previous one, head to the room in the Cathedral with the first wind tunnel. Glide a bit higher to reach the grates and you will see a climbable wall on one of them. Climb up and enter a tunnel. This tunnel has a path on the right side that leads to a window you can break with your projectile. Go through it to the neighboring tunnel to find the upgrade hovering above a sewer grate there.

ARIEL HINT: “North of the Serafan tomb …” – Talk to Ariel after defeating the Tomb Guardian.

Missable Trophy: Don’t Get Your Feet Wet – In the sunken abby do not touch the water from the cutscene until you pull the chain to earn this missable trophy.

Teleport Gate 9: Rahabim Gate – on the ship from the previous switch to Spectral Realm and the ship will tilt upwards, making it possible to reach the cliffs. Follow the cliffs and you will find this Warp Gate.

Rahab Boss Battle / Missable Trophy: Dissolution – At any point BEFORE defeating Rahab, jump into water in Physical Realm to earn this trophy (can no longer be done after defeating him). Defeating Rahab will grant you the ability of swimming, which opens up the majority of the collectibles in the game. So after defeating him, get ready for some exploration. You can now get the Fire Reaver, Water Glyph, Fire Glyph, Sun Glyph and some Health and Glyph Upgrades. (Also we will visit the Human Citadel – you might have noticed, that the 5th Warp Gate in the ingame order was skipped so far, this is the reason why).

Fire Reaver – With the ability to swim head back a few rooms, to where you had to jump over some wooden beams. Drop into water and underwater find a window you can shoot with your projectile. Head down that path into another open underwater area where you can find a set of stairs leading down. Dive down this set of stairs until you see a window with a fire mural on it. Break it again and inside you can put your Soul Reaver into the flames of the forge, to unlock the Fire Reaver.

Glyph Points Upgrade 3 – Teleport to the Rahabim Warp Gate and head to the boat area where you found the harpoon. Jump in the water and swim to the left side, through the tunnel and you will reach a room that looks like the inside of a cathedral, swim upwards in here to find the Upgrade floating in the water.

Health Upgrade 9 – Teleport to the Zephon Territory in front of the Silent Cathedral. Jump into the water surrounding the cathedral and swim to the left. There you will find a tunnel. Jump out of the water to reach the cliff, climb up the wall and grab the Health Upgrade.

Teleport Gate 10: Sun Glyph – in the same area this time swim to the right side and phase through the gate. On the other side go back to Physical Realm. After the cutscene, swim into the first tunnel on the right to reach this Warp Gate.

Sun Glyph – Keep going up in the area until you reach a wooden door. Past the door you will see another cutscene. Follow the path and enter the first tunnel on the left which will lead you to a room with a machine in the middle, a Turelim vampire and a crank on the wall. Kill the vampire and climb up the vents in the middle of the machine. At the top you will find a block you can push down. Do so and push the block towards the crank. You can push the block in between the gears of the machine, but do not do that yet. Keep the block one space away from it and use the crank. You will see flames coming out of the slim pipes. Now push the block into the spot and the flames should stay on permanently.

Head back outside and keep going downwards. Do not enter the door, instead jump across the rusty platforms into a tower. Enter the door there and you will reach a silo-like structure leading downwards. Get to the bottom of the area and go through the triangular opening you see in a cutscene. After the first opening switch to the Spectral Realm to get past the other objects blocking your way. On the other side use the realm switch to get back into Physical Realm and head through the door. You will have to solve a pipe puzzle with blocks. Once you have connected the pipes, follow the pipe to a valve and turn it. This will turn on some steam coming out of pipes, which you can use to glide up to the pump and from there to a grate. Go through the door and follow the path. Get past the moving machinery and head back outside where you will find the now-operational lighthouse. Jump back across the rusty platforms and this time enter the door you ignored earlier. At the end you will find an altar. Wait until the sunlight hits the wall and switch to the Spectral Realm to stop time so the rays of light hit the wall permanently. This will unlock the Glyph for you to grab.

Teleport Gate 11: Human Citadel – in the Abyss area glide to the northwest and follow the path there until you reach the inside of the Human Citadel. Keep going until you reach an open area with a metal door to your left and a path in the middle of the area in the back of it. Go through the metal door to your left and keep going up to the very top. In a courtyard that goes around the area take the stairs up to find the Warp Gate. NOTE: If you did not kill any human as mentioned before, the area will not be hostile. The humans will be passive towards you and will even praise you, making the traversal of this area very easy.

 Health Upgrade 10 – In the courtyard you find a climbable wall behind a small waterfall where the upgrade will be at the top.

Glyph Points Upgrade 4 – Once you are where the upgrade was, jump across to the balcony. From the balcony glide again across to the arch to the right of the climbable wall. Keep jumping from arch to arch until you get around the corner. Glide to the balcony on this side and pull the switch which opens the door below. Get inside, climb the wall, glide across to the other side and at the end of the path you will find it in a room with two humans.

Health Upgrade 11 – In the area with the metal door, go through the path in the back through a wooden door to the highest area and jump across a moat to find a valve on the wall. Turn it and it will drain the water. Follow the empty waterway into a pit with a Dumahim Vampire and some blocks you can push. Kill the enemy and stack the blocks so you can reach the gate, where you need to phase through. At the end there you will find the health upgrade.

Water Glyph – in the area where you had to choose between the metal door on the left and the wooden one in the back, this time choose none of them and instead jump into the moat and destroy the metal gate with your projectile.

Swim through the tunnels to the very end, jump out of the water and you will reach a room with a female statue. To its right is a door, go inside, upstairs and jump across the small moat. Grab the block from the wall, push it into the moat and then to the very end of it down the waterfall. Jump down as well and push the block into the hole in the ground to fill the pit with water. Once you have done so, return to the statue to grab the Water Glyph.

Health Upgrade 12 – From the statue head back towards the water where you jumped out and you can see a climbable wall at the opposite side. Scale it and follow the path to the end to find the Upgrade.

Fire Glyph – teleport to Raziel Territory and go the path you have taken towards Melchiah but at the first road split go left this time into the flooded staircase. Swim until you reach an open area with two exits. One straight ahead and one to the right. Go straight and emerge from water in the next open area, if you are correct you will reach a circular area with red banners.

  • Go through the wooden door that leads to a room with small stairs and 2 Dumahim vampires, kill the enemies
  • Pull the crank and switch to Spectral Realm
  • Run through the doors that are blocked from closing in Spectral Realm
  • Switch to Physical Realm, jump down and pull the crank to open the gate
  • Go through the other wooden door down the slope in the banner room now
  • In the room with pillars switch to Spectral Realm and jump the pillars to the other side where you switch back to Physical Realm
  • Submerge Soul Reaver in flames to get Fire Reaver and head back to the room with the spikes, where you opened the gate with a crank
  • Use the Fire Reaver at the Statue by hitting it
  • Grab the Fire Glyph

AERIAL HINT: “Beyond the cliffs….” – Talk to Ariel after defeating Rahab.

Teleport Gate 12: Dumahim Gate – In the Abyss go north towards Dumah Territory now. In the open area go to the right and find the Warp Gate in the cave there.

Dumah Boss Battle / Missable Trophy: Spectral Talk – Before waking up Dumah, switch to Spectral Realm and talk to him for the missable trophy “Spectral Talk”. Defeating Dumah grants you the constrict ability. You will have to run around an object twice to turn it which opens a couple new paths and allows you to get all the remaining power-ups.

Health Upgrade 13 – Stay in Dumah’s fort. Head back to the Obelisk you threw over and from there go to the right hallway that leads outside. Constrict the statue twice to open the path in front of you where the health upgrade and two Turelim vampires await.

ARIEL HINT: “In the bowels of an inverted clockwork…” – Talk to Ariel after defeating Dumah.

Health Upgrade 14 – Teleport to Rahab’s territory and head to the 4-way split with a huge screw-like object in the middle. You need to constrict this screw to drain the water from the pool below. Down there you can find 2 blocks that you can pull from the wall and behind one of them is the health upgrade.

Health Upgrade 15 – The final 2 upgrades are both close to each other. Teleport to Raziel’s Territory and head up the spiral stairs up the tower where you released a drawbridge. There you can constrict the small obelisk in the middle and by doing that you can open a new path for each direction when you pull the drawbridge switch on the wall again. Constricting three times counterclockwise opens the path to the health upgrade.

Glyph Points Upgrade 5 –  Same area as before. Constrict twice and at the end you will find a small block puzzle. Stack a tower of three blocks to reach the final upgrade in the game.

Teleport Gate 13: Oracle’s Cave – After constricting the sundial and entering the door, follow the path to the first road split. The path up the slope to the right leads to this Warp Gate.

Teleport Gate 14: Chronoplast – Basically at the very end of the game. You will walk through a corridor that will show you cutscenes of things that have or have not happened in the past. After all those cutscenes the corridor will change its color. Pay attention to the left side of the corridor where the door to this Warp Gate will be.

Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver 2 Remastered

Soul Reaver 2 Remastered doesn’t have any collectibles. The only thing to watch out for is the 10 missable trophies/achievements listed below. Make use of manual save slots and save in a different slot each time. This way you can still go back if you missed anything. The main thing you might not get on your first run is the 6 hour speedrun. While it’s possible to get all trophies in one run in under 4 hours, if you don’t know the original game you will likely take longer. In this case don’t stress over it and just do a second speedrun, you can finish the game in under 4 hours easily after knowing where to go.

  1. Scare the Crows! – Take a good look at the trophy in the guide below for an explanation
  2. Finish Him – Starts very early and ends towards the end of the game
  3. Keep Your Distance – can be done on the first Fire Demon and is also recommended to be done there
  4. Touch the Devil – can be done on the first Fire Demon and is also recommended to be done there
  5. Your Sacrifice was Rejected – inside the Wind Forge
  6. Split – best done in the Wind Forge
  7. On the Outside! – after Wind Forge and reaching the Sarafan era, make sure to go the Strondhold first before going to Janos
  8. Vertical Rush – inside Janos’ Retreat
  9. Inferno – after Fire Forge, on your way to the Stronghold for the final time, at the Pillars
  10. Vampire Champion – finishing the game in 6 hours or less

For any remaining trophies refer to Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver 1&2 Remastered Trophy & Roadmap.

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