Indiana Jones And The Great Circle - Vatican City Adventure Books Guide

Dec 07 2024


In Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, you're given a lot of tools to succeed. However, there are still a few ways for you to maximize your capabilities, especially with perks that can be permanently

In Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, you're given a lot of tools to succeed. However, there are still a few ways for you to maximize your capabilities, especially with perks that can be permanently active. Here's our guide on where to find all Vatican City Adventure Books in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle.

Where to find all Adventure Books in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Vatican City Adventure Books guide

Our Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Adventure Books guide details the perks that you can unlock in Castel Sant'Angelo, which is a more linear level, and Vatican City itslef, a sprawling locale with several districts. We also talk about how to perk/upgrade system works in the first place.

How to activate Adventure Books

Adventure Books in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, once discovered, appear in your Books menu. The perks themselves aren't active at the start. Instead, you have to spend a resource called Adventure Points to unlock them. Adventure Points come from the following sources:

Quest completion (main quests and side quests).

Helping NPCs with random and easy tasks.

Taking photos of key NPCs and points of interest.

Finding other noteworthy collectibles.

Castel Sant'angelo Adventure Book #1: Punch Out

Location: Inside the guardhouse just past the narrow street.

Effect: Restores stamina whenever an enemy is knocked out.

Castel Sant'angelo Adventure Book #2: Lucky Hat

Location: On a desk inside the captain's office.

Effect: If you get knocked out, you can pick up your fedora to receive a second chance in the fight.

Castel Sant'angelo Adventure Book #3: Brawler I

Location: In the northwest ramparts leading to Passetto di Borgo.

Effect: Increases armed and hand-to-hand melee combat damage.

Vatican City Adventure Books map

Above, you can see a map of the Vatican City Adventure Books in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle. We've done things a little bit differently here since there are different kinds of books and acquisition methods:

Group A (orange): These are found as you explore and they unlock perks when activated.

Group B (green): These, too, unlock perks, but you need to exchange resources with NPCs.

Group C (purple): These do not add perks or upgrades. Instead, they reveal the icons of other collectibles on your map.

Vatican City Adventure Book (perk) #1: Splinter Smash

Location: Upon exiting the Apostolic Library, go inside the first tent that's in front of you. Check the safe and input 5-2-3-8.

Effect: The last hit before an improvised weapon breaks deals bonus damage.

Vatican City Adventure Book (perk) #2: Brawler II

Location: Inside one of the larger tents in the Belvedere Courtyard barracks.

Effect: Further increases damage dealt in armed and hand-to-hand melee combat.

Vatican City Adventure Book (perk) #3: Pep I

Location: Go across Belvedere Courtyard and check the tent to the right of the fountain.

Effect: Boosts your stamina recovery speed.

Vatican City Adventure Book (perk) #4: Throttle

Location: You have to complete a side quest called A Nun in Trouble. Once that's done, you're given a key that unlocks the balcony section of Borgia Tower. That's where you can do the Father and Son puzzle. The Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Adventure Book is also in the same room as the puzzle.

Effect: Knock out unaware lightweight and medium-weight enemies with your whip.

Vatican City Adventure Book (perk) #5: Cutman I

Location: Explore the Sistine Chapel and complete the Secret of Secrets mystery puzzle in the lower room. The password to the safe is 4-4-7-1.

Effect: Increases the efficiency of health bar regeneration.

Vatican City Adventure Book (perk) #6: Fruit Bag

Location: After meeting Gina and chatting with her in the Sistine Chapel, use the nearby zipline to reach this balcony area.

Effect: Carry twice the amount of fruit.

Vatican City Adventure Book (perk) #7: Iron Grip I

Location: This Adventure Book in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is in a locked room in the Apostolic Palace. The only way to open it is by tackling a side quest called The Mad Priest. It requires you to go through the sewer area, before emerging in this otherwise inaccessible room.

Effect: You can clinch enemies for a longer period.

Vatican City Adventure Book (perk) #8: Climbing Ace I

Location: From Belvedere Courtyard, go through the large gate and head east, then turn north at the first alleyway. Climb up the wooden board and you'll spot this book.

Effect: Drains less stamina and enables faster movement while climbing.

Vatican City Adventure Book (perk) #9: Street Scrapper I

Location: There's a cellar near the Post Office, but the only way to unlock it is by completing a side quest called A Savage Discovery. At the very end of that mission, you'll stumble upon a locked crate, which hints at "last year's date" as the code. Since the game is set one year after Raiders of the Lost Ark, the correct code is 1-9-3-6.

Effect: Deals increased damage with one-handed and two-handed weapons.

Vatican City Adventure Book (vendor perks) #1: Sawbones I and Hardboiled I

Location: Make your way to the Underground Boxing Ring, and complete the objective to acquire a Blackshirt Disguise. This allows you to participate in boxing matches. You may also spend any lira you've amassed to buy these two books.

Sawbones I effect: Increases bandage inventory capacity by +1.

Hardboiled I effect: Merges two of your health bars to harden protection.

Vatican City Adventure Book (vendor perks) #2: Shaping Up I-III and Moxie I-III

Location: These Adventure Books in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle are among the most valuable in the game. You can obtain them by exchanging any Medicine Bottles that you've found throughout your journey.

Shaping Up effect: Increases your maximum health.

Moxie effect: Increases your maximum stamina.

Vatican City Adventure Book (exploration guide) #1: Vatican Artifacts, Books, Mysteries, and Notes

Location: Sold by Ernesto at the Post Office.

Effect: Once purchased, these reveal the locations of corresponding collectibles in Vatican City.

Vatican City Adventure Book (exploration guide) #2: Vatican Medicine

Location: Early in the campaign, you might receive a side quest called A Date to Remember. You can only complete it once you have access to the Museum Wing, which happens when you tackle another side quest: A Nun in Trouble. You'll then spot a locked chest in a tent in the garden. Key in 6-3-8-0 to get your reward.

Effect: Shows the locations of Medicine Bottles in Vatican City.

Vatican City Adventure Book (exploration guide) #3: Marshall College Guide

Location: Complete the entirety of A Savage Discovery. Then, return to the Apostolic Library to receive your reward. You may also pick up this booklet on the desk.

Effect: Shows the locations of collectibles in Marshall College.

Vatican City Adventure Book (exploration guide) #4: Vatican Relics

Location: Climb up the scaffolding in the southern portion of Belvedere Courtyard and solve the mystery of the puzzle box device. You can learn more in our Vatican Relics guide.

Effect: Shows the locations of the Vatican Relics for the Riddles of the Ancients quest.

That does it for our guide on where to find the Vatican City Adventure Books in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle. Since some of these reveal various goodies on your map, be sure to check our guides regarding the Vatican Relics, Medicine Bottles, and Lost European Artifacts.

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