Third Super Robot Wars (SFC) modification code

Oct 25 2024


The code is in [address:input value] notation. When using it, please convert it yourself to suit your device, take a backup, and do so at your own risk. CRC:DFE9CC90(ver1.0) Funds 7E1008:7F7E1009:967E100A:98 Funds 9999999Cr Experience points gained 7E0EE7:FF7E0EE8:FF

The code is in [address:input value] notation. When using it, please convert it yourself to suit your device, take a backup, and do so at your own risk.
Funds 7E1008:7F
Funds 9999999Cr
Experience points gained 7E0EE7:FF
65535 experience points gained after battle
Earn money 7E0EE9:FF
65535 gold obtained after battle
Number of turns 7E12F5:01
Number of turns 1
Total number of turns 7E1006:01
Total number of turns 1
Character added
(1st aircraft)
For xx, refer to the pilot code table below.
** is its Lv (63h=Lv99). Ability values ​​follow the Lv value.
2nd and subsequent people +2h each
Joined units
(1st aircraft)
yy refer to the unit code table below
** is ID. +1h each after the second person
Remodeling stage
(1st aircraft)
The picture on the left is a fully modified state excluding movement. +2h each for the second and subsequent units
[Reaction +10]+40h
[Armor +50]+200h
> [Movement +2] +1000h (lost data)
Next scenario 7E1000:ss For ss, refer to the scenario code table below
Flag 7E101B:** 00h:Initial
+32h: Quattro route
(Further details have not been investigated)
↓During the strategy part, the ability values ​​of the first person (+2h each from the second person onward)
Experience points 7E116D:FF
Experience points 65535
Local form
Action state
7E1307:** 0h:Underground
2h:Under the sea
4h: Ground
6h: Space
8h: Air
+20h: Battleship (landing/departure possible)
+40h: Landing status
+80h: Already taken
Instruction 7E1386:** 00h: Be sure to fight back
40h: Be proactive
80h: Don't force yourself
C0h: Always avoid or defend
Command commands change everyone's actions all at once, but you can set them individually by modifying the code
Grant spirit 7E1387:** 1h:()
+4h: Concentration
+8h: Inspiration
+10h: Sure hit
+20h: Luck
+40h: Passionate
+80h: Acceleration< br>
Affiliation 7E1487:** 60h: Player army
A0h: Enemy army (red)
C0h: Enemy army (yellow)
Even if you turn the enemy into your ally, you cannot control it, but it will start aiming at another army
Current coordinates X 7E1506:** **=00 on the left
Current coordinate Y 7E1507:** Top at **=00
Pilot 7E1586:xx For xx, refer to the pilot code table below
Level 7E1587:63 Level 99 (Ability values ​​do not follow. Mental commands are learned according to Lv value)
Unit 7E1606:yy For yy, refer to the unit code table below
Vigor 7E1607:FF Kiri 255
Current SP 7E1686:FF Currently 255 spirit points
Max SP 7E1687:FF Maximum Spirit Points 255
Movement power 7E1706:FF Movement power 255
Type 7E1707:** 0h: Land
1h: Land (ground only)
2h: Air
3h: Air (ground only)
4h: Land and water
5h: Space (space only)
>7h: Air and land
8h: Air and land (ground only)
9h: Water and air
Ah: Water and air (ground only)
Bh: Water, land and air
Ch: Land and medium
Dh :Air and ground medium
Eh:Air and land medium
Fh:Water and land (ground only)
10h:Water (ground only)
Currently EN 7E1786:FF Currently EN255
Maximum EN 7E1787:FF Maximum EN255
Current HP 7E1806:FF
Currently HP65535
Max HP 7E1886:FF
Max HP65535
Intuition 7E1906:FFIntuition 255
Special abilities 7E1907:** +4h: Getter vision
+8h: Beam absorption
+80h:I field
Other abilities such as transformation are ROM data
Hit 7E1986:FF Accuracy 255
Maneuvering 7E1987:FF Maneuvering 255
Reaction 7E1A06:FF Reaction 255
Attack 7E1A07:FF Attack 2550
Limit reaction 7E1A86:FF Limit reaction 255
Armor 7E1A87:FF Armor 2550
Weapon 1 remaining ammunition 7E1B06:09 9 bullets remaining.
Even if the input value is increased, the upper limit value will not be exceeded.
Only weapons with residual ammo are stored at these addresses.
Weapon 2 remaining ammunition 7E1B07:09
Weapon 3 remaining ammunition 7E1B86:09
Weapon 4 remaining ammunition 7E1B87:09
Weapon 5 remaining ammunition 7E1C06:09
Weapon 6 remaining ammunition 7E1C07:09
Weapon 7 remaining ammunition 7E1C86:09
Weapon 8 remaining ammunition 7E1C87:09
↓1st enemy ability value (+2h each from 2nd person onward)
Cannot take action 7E1336:00 No longer moves or attacks with EP (counterattacks will occur)
Initial value is 40h
Instruction 7E13B6:** 00h: Be sure to fight back
40h: Be aggressive
80h: Don't force yourself
C0h: Be sure to evade or defend
Grant spirit 7E13B7 1h:()
+4h: Concentration
+8h: Inspiration
+10h: Sure hit
+20h: Luck
+40h: Passionate
+80h: Acceleration< br>
Affiliation 7E14B7:** 60h: Player army
A0h: Enemy army (red)
C0h: Enemy army (yellow)
Current coordinates X 7E1536:** **=00 on the left
Current coordinate Y 7E1537:** Top at **=00
Pilot 7E15B6:xx For xx, refer to the pilot code table below
Level 7E15B7:01 Level 1
Unit 7E1636:yy For yy, refer to the unit code table below
Vigor 7E1637:01 Ki 1
Current SP 7E16B6:01 Current mental point 1
Max SP 7E16B7:01 Maximum Spirit Points 1
Movement power 7E1736:01 Movement power 1
Type 7E1737:** 0h: Land
1h: Land (ground only)
2h: Air
3h: Air (ground only)
4h: Land and water
5h: Space (space only)
>7h: Air and land
8h: Air and land (ground only)
9h: Water and air
Ah: Water and air (ground only)
Bh: Water, land and air
Ch: Land and medium
Dh :Air and ground medium
Eh:Air and land medium
Fh:Water and land (ground only)
10h:Water (ground only)
Currently EN 7E17B6:01 Currently EN1
Maximum EN 7E17B7:01 Max EN1
Current HP 7E1836:01
Currently HP65535
Max HP 7E18B6:01
Max HP65535
Intuition 7E1936:01 Intuition 1
Special abilities 7E1937:** +4h: Getter vision
+8h: Beam absorption
+80h: I field
Hit 7E19B6:01 Hit 1
Maneuvering 7E19B7:01 Maneuver 1
Reaction 7E1A36:01 Reaction 1
Attack 7E1A37:01 Attack 10
Limit reaction 7E1AB6:01 Limit reaction 1
Armor 7E1AB7:01 Armor 10
Weapon 1 remaining ammunition 7E1B36:00 0 bullets remaining
Weapon 2 remaining ammunition 7E1B37:00
Weapon 3 remaining ammunition 7E1BB6:00
Weapon 4 remaining ammunition 7E1BB7:00
Weapon 5 remaining ammunition 7E1C36:00
Weapon 6 remaining ammunition 7E1C37:00
Weapon 7 remaining ammunition 7E1CB6:00
Weapon 8 remaining ammunition 7E1CB7:00

●Pilot code table

00 (bug) 10 Ko Hibiki
01 (bug) 11 Haranbanjo
02 (bug) 12 Bright Noah
03 Amuro Ray 13 Kai Shiden
04 Camille Bidan 14 Hayato Kobayashi
05 Judau Ashita 15 Ryu Hosei
06 Seabook Annaud 16 Mirai Yashima
07 Kuruma Benkei 17 Sayla Mass
08 Ryoma Nagare 18 Frau Bow
09 Kami Hayato 19 Slegger Law
0A Tomoe Musashi 1A Matilda Agen
0B Aoi Hyoma 1B Emma Sheen
0C Juzo Naniwa 1C Recore Rondo
0D Chizuru Nanbara 1D Fa Yuili
0E Daisaku Nishikawa 1E Henken Beckener
0F Kita Kosuke 1F Quattro Bagina
20 Apolly 30 Jinguji Power
21 Roberto 31 Sarumarutaro
22 Katsu Kobayashi 32 Mari Sakurano
23 El Bianno 33 Asuka Rei
24 Lou Luca 34 Beauty Tachibana
25 Eno Abbab 35 Reika Sanjo
26 Beacha Oleg 36 Garrison Tokita
27 Mondo Akage 37 Souta Toda
28 Cecily Fairchild 38 Char Aznable
29 Sayaka Yumi 39 Lalah Soon
2A Boss 3A Ma Kube
2B Tetsuya Ken 3B Ramba Ral
2C Flame Jun 3C Gaia
2D Kouji Kabuto 3D Mash
2E Jack King 3E Ortega
2F Michiru Saotome 3F Garma Zabi
40 Dozle Zabi 50 Marshmah Cero
41 Jerrid Mesa 51 Got'n Go
42 Kakurikon Ka Cooler 52 Gremy Toto
43 Laila Mila Laila 53 Chara Soon
44 Fou Murasame 54 Auguste Guidan
45 Rosamia Badham 55 Arias Moma
46 Ben Wooder 56 Lakan Dakaran
47 Bran ​​BullTurk 57 Ilya Pazom
48 Sarah Zabiarov 58 Pull Two
49 Maur Pharaoh 59 Nie Gielen
4A Gates Capa 5A Lance Guillen
4B Yazan Gable 5B Drell Rona
4C Ramsus Hasa 5C Annamarie Bruges
4D Paptimus Scirocco 5D Sabine Schall
4E Haman Khan 5E Carrozzo Rona
4F LP Pull 5F Christina McKenzie
60 Bernard Wiseman 70 Chain Agi
61 Astonage Medoso 71 Nanay Miguel
62 Emary Ons 72 Hathaway Noah
63 Camran Bloom 73 Basque Homme
64 Kycilia Zabi 74 Flanagan Boone
65 Gyunei Gas 75 Bertochka Irma
66 Ghiren Zabi 76 Lina Arshita
67 Ques Paraya 77 Resin Schneider
68 Claure Hamon 78 Kou Uraki
69 Clamp 79 Steiner Hardy
6A Kayla Sue 7A Annabelle Gato
6B Cosun Graham 7B Duke Freed
6C Conscon 7C Maria Freed
6D Denim 7D Sharia Bull
6E Jean 7E Lyune Zoldark
6F Slender 7F Masaki Ando
80 Shu Shirakawa 90 Tekko Oni
81 Nina Purpleton 91 Yumigennosuke
82 Baron Ashura 92 Dr. Saotome
83 Count Brocken 93 Dr. Yotsuya
84 Shakin 94 Loppet
85 Garuda 95 Dr. Morimori
86 General Revil 96 Dr. Sewashi
87 Hikaru Ranch 97 Dr. Nosori
88 Carius 98 Seema Galahau
89 Aper Synapse 99 Demitri
8A Chuck Keith 9A Tokuwan
8B Lucette Odeby 9B Drain
8C Mia 9C Boraskiniff
8D Michal Latkie 9D Naida
8E Bernand Moncia 9E Kirika
8F Kochōoni 9F Dark General
A0 Hello B0 Enhanced bioroid
A1 DC Soldier B1 Camille Bidan (mental breakdown)
A2 Bioroid Soldier B2 (bug)
A3 Vigaji B3
A4 Shikalog B4
A5 Mekiboss B5
A6 Agiha B6
A7 Wendro B7
A8 Merry King B8
A9 DC Soldier B9
AA Alfred Izuruha BA
AB Artificial intelligence BB
AC Sniper BC
AD Artificial intelligence improvement BD
AE Elite Soldier BE
AF Elite Soldier BF

●Unit code table

00 (blank) 10 Getter 2
01 Combatler V 11 Getter 3
02 Battle Jet 12 Zeong
03 Battle Crusher 13 Zeong (head)
04 Battle tank 14 Zen II
05 Battle Marine 15 Getter Robo G
06 Battlecraft 16 Getter Dragon
07 Proto Getter Robo 17 Getter Liger
08 Proto getter 1 18 Getter Poseidon
09 Proto Getter 2 19 Mecha Iron Armored Demon
0A Proto Getter 3 1A Mecha Phalaenopsis
0B Jamul Fin 1B Valsion
0C Jamul Finn (MA) 1C Grendizer
0D Zaku (Garma machine) 1D Spacer
0E Getter Robo 1E Double Spazer
0F Getter 1 1F Marine Spazer
20 Drill spazer 30 Daitarn 3
21 Grendizer (double) 31 Die Fighter
22 Grendizer (Marine) 32 Daitank
23 Grendizer (Drill) 33 Cybuster
24 Mazinger Z 34 Cyberd
25 Mazinger Z(JS) 35 Granzon
26 Great Mazinger 36 Valsione
27 Gundam 37 Texas Mac
28 ν Gundam 38 Getter Q
29 Z Gundam 39 Boss Borot
2A Wave Rider 3A Afrodai A
2B ZZ Gundam 3B Dianan A
2C G Fortress 3C Beaunas A
2D F-91 3D Bluegar
2E Raideen 3E Alex
2F God Bird 3F Gundam mkⅡ
40 Super Gundam 50 Gouf
41 Hyakushiki 51 Dom
42 GP-01 52 Z'Gok E
43 GP-01Fb 53 Highgog
44 Guncannon 54 Gyan
45 Metas 55 Big Zam
46 Metas(MA) 56 Gelgoog
47 Rick Diaz 57 Gelgoog J
48 Nemo 58 Gelgoog M
49 Jegan 59 Gelgoog M (brown)
4A Rigazi (BWS) 5A Gelgoog (Char's machine)
4B Rigazi 5B Hermes
4C GP-03 Orchis 5C Jalaga
4D GP-03 Staymen 5D Marasai
4E Zaku 5E Assimar
4F Zaku (Char's machine) 5F Assimar (MA)
60 Biaarun 70 Psycho Gundam (MA)
61 Gaplan 71 Psycho Gundam mkⅡ
62 Gaplan (MA) 72 Psycho Gundam mkⅡ(MA)
63 Gabsley 73 GM
64 Gabsley (MA) 74 Zusa
65 Hambrabi 75 Dreissen
66 Hambrabi (MA) 76 Kapoor
67 Messala 77 Bow
68 Messala (MA) 78 Bow(MA)
69 Pallas Athens 79 Bow (Gremy machine)
6A Bound Dog 7A Bow (Gremy machine MA)
6B Bound Dog (MA) 7B Zaku III
6C The O 7C Zaku III Kai
6D Qubeley 7D Doven Wolf
6E Qubeley mkⅡ 7E Gamemark
6F Psycho Gundam 7F Quin Mansa
80 Gira Doga 90 Galada K7
81 Gira Doga (Raisin machine) 91 Doublas M2
82 Jacht Doga (green) 92 Line X1
83 Yakut Doga (Blue) 93 Genova M9
84 Yakut Doga (red) 94 Spartan K5
85 Sotheby 95 Minerva X
86 α Azir 96 Glossom X2
87 Dratze 97 Abdullah U6
88 Neue Zeel 98 Dark General
89 Gerbera Tetra 99 Zai
8A Kaempfer 9A Zoo
8B Dagi Ils 9B Bud
8C Berga Gyros 9C Saki
8D Begina Gina 9D Sig
8E Rafflesia 9E Die
8F GP-02 9F Drome
A0 Gangtae B0 White base
A1 Gildeen B1 Argama
A2 Mech Gunte B2 Nahel Argama
A3 Giant Sharkin B3 Ra Kairam
A4 Big Garuda B4 Fossil beast Bastodon
A5 Dije SE-R B5 Dogos Gear
A6 Gilgil B6 Dros
A7 Sparrow B7 Musai
A8 Gosgoth B8 Zacrello
A9 Dragonosaurus B9 Midea
AA Pigdron BA Gilgilgan (1st)
AB Toros D7 BB Gilgilgan (2nd)
AC Glatonios BC Gilgilgan (3rd)
AD Magma Beast Garmus BD Mecha Gil Gil Gun
AE Bud BE Drukin
AF Ghoul BF Greater Kin
C0 Gargau
C1 Silvervind
C2 Dikastes
C3 Neo Granzon
C4 G Defenser
C5 Gargantua
C6 Pantagruel
C7 Gaza C
C8 Gaza C(MA)
C9 Valsion Kai
CA (bug)

●Scenario code table

00 Dark clouds 10 Lunatwo Battle
01 G-3 11 What comes from the stars
02 Dark airspace 12 Side 1 fierce battle
03 von Braun 13 Shangri-La
04 Atmospheric entry 14 Conscon Assault
05 Battle of Solomon Islands 15 Masou Kishin
06 The land of hot sand 16 Prelude of fierce battle
07 Gato attack 17 Lyune and Valsione
08 Seaside Panic 18 Jaburo's Storm
09 Choudenji Robo Con Battler V 19 Diversionary operations
0A Saotome Research Institute Close call! 1A Infiltration of a female spy
0B Crimson Wings 1B Odessa Day
0C Brave Raiden 1C Matilda rescue operation
0D Rumored Haranbanjo 1D Sister!
0E To space 1E At the end of sadness
0F In silence 1F Countdown
20 Pull and pull-to 30 Atmospheric entry
21 Labien Rose 31 Gundam robbery
22 Cosmic vortex 32 Suspicion
23 Zedan's Gate 33 Pursuit battle
24 Moonlight 34 Side 1 fierce battle
25 Lunatic Dream 35 Shangri-La
26 Axis is burning 36 Solomon's Nightmare
27 Last Battle 37 Fear! Mobile Bigzam
28 Ragnarok 38 Near the equator
29 Axis is burning 39 Desert Storm
2A Last Battle 3A Bermuda Triangle
2B Labien Rose 3B Shadow of the Brocken
2C Moonlight 3C Lunatic Dream
2D Knight of the Rose 3D Last Battle
2E Atmospheric entry 3E
2F G-3 3F

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