Spooky Time contains 10 Collectible Locations in Astro Bot. This walkthrough will guide you to all the collectibles in Spooky Time level in chronological order. Everything that’s needed for trophies and 100% completion is included. Nothing is missable, everything can be replayed after the story.
- Bots: 7
- Puzzle Pieces: 3
- Lost Galaxies (Secret Level Exits): 0
Collectibles Overview:
- Astro Bot Collectible Guide
Bot #1: after crossing the first gate, use the spider on the right side to jump on two fast moving platforms above. Slow down time to access the bot.
Bot #2: slow down time and you’ll find this on one of the knives.
Bot #3 (Special Bot): after another knife, you reach a blue flower. Take the path left of the blue flower, blow into your DualSense to blow out the candles.
Puzzle #1: spin the blue flower to reveal platforms with this piece. Slow down time to easily access it.
Bot #4: in the next area where a fast-shooting enemy is, pull the cable from the right wall, then the bot is in a shell (slow time to grab it).
Puzzle #2: same room, use the spider to access the pillars above. Go to the coin platform, destroy the coin, then pull the cord.
Bot #5: continue to the next area and enter the right-side section. At the top, slow down time and push through the correct block to access a secret area with this bot on a flying couch.
Bot #6 (Special Bot): after grabbing the light bulb, jump along the disappearing platforms and you’ll soon come to split with a platform with many gravestones on your right. Get to this platform and jump into the portal below. You’ll find this bot at the end of the section.
Bot #7: on a wall you have to run up between some spinning knives. Hard to miss.
Puzzle #3: after the wall-running section, it can be found on the fast moving stone platforms at the very end of the level.
Mecha Leon – 1 Bot
Boss Fight: To defeat this chameleon boss you must slow down time. Evade its attacks by slowing time, then it will use its tongue on the floor. Slow time when the tongue touches the floor, run up the tongue and attack its mouth. Then the boss shoots blades at you, slow time and hop over the blades to reach the boss again, rinse and repeat for all 3 phases.
Bot #1: automatically obtained when beating the boss
That’s 100% of the collectibles you can find in Spooky Time level in Astro Bot.
For more Collectible Guides, check out the complete Astro Bot Walkthrough.
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