Going Loco contains 8 Collectible Locations in Astro Bot. This walkthrough will guide you to all the collectibles in Going Loco level in chronological order. Everything that’s needed for trophies and 100% completion is included. Nothing is missable, everything can be replayed after the story.
- Bots: 5
- Puzzle Pieces: 3
- Lost Galaxies (Secret Level Exits): 0
Collectibles Overview:
- Astro Bot Collectible Guide
Bot #1 (Special Bot): hanging from a vine on the main path, hard to miss.
Puzzle #1: after becoming small and squeezing through a small gap, this can be found the to the right of the checkpoint.
Puzzle #2: during the downhill rolling sequence on the main path, basically can’t miss it.
Bot #2 (Special Bot): hanging from a vine after left of the red propeller section.
Bot #3 (Special Bot): at pink and yellow smiley-face stick popping out the ground. Have the pink one catapult you up the left to break a wall. Just before a checkpoint.
Puzzle #3: when you reach the snowy area, bump into the three trees in the top left corner in quick succession until the puzzle appears.
Bot #4 (Special Bot): same area, to the right of the trees.
Bot #5 (Special Bot): at the end of the pinball section. Hard to miss.
Remaining Bots and Puzzle Pieces
In the bottom Left corner of the Nebula, crash into an asteroid, then keep flying in circle through the flowers until another asteroid appears in the middle of it, crash it and a “Lost Square Void” will appear. Enter it, finish the small level and 4 hidden levels in this Nebula will appear on the map rewarding you with the following bots for completion.
- Splashing Sprint – Special Bot (Reliable Narrator): In the first lava section only walk, don’t jump. First splash water before jumping over to the lava to land on solid ground. Walk diagonally in the middle between spikey balls and the rotating pillar on left, grab the second duck between balls. Walk towards the middle, splash a path forward, do one jump between the pillars (take middle path, don’t double-jump). An enemy will shoot homing rockets, go forward, only do one jump and not double jump (don’t go sideways and don’t go back, the rockets would kill you, must go forward to be fast to duck under them). Jump over the glass, watch out for the shooting enemy. Now there will be another duck and flame pillar. On the right is tar. Grab the duck, jump over the tar. If you get tarred you slow down and the fire kills you. If you jump between the tar you won’t get slowed. On other end kill the spitter enemy, cross the two glass floors between fire pillars. Next platform has a lava puking enemy, don’t get hit as it kills you, don’t step in the lava he puked. Go around left edge of platform, jump to glass, hold for a spinning attack but immediately jump to next platform to not fall through glass. There are 3 lava pukers, first go left, then middle, then left. Next is another glass floor and two rotating floors, jump over them. There are 4 fire pillars moving in and out of next platform, must time your jump so that the pillars aren’t on the platform. 3 more lava pukers ahead, use duck to kill them and their lava. Don’t step in lava. Use jump pad and you’re done.
- Vertical Velocity – Special Bot (Dragon Knight)
- Follow the Light – Special Bot (Racing Model)
- Boing! Bonanza – Special Bot (Tattooed Dragon)
- Retro Rampage 4 – Break the asteroid that appears all the way to top left. Unlocks Bot – Malleable Mototist (Gran Turismo)
- Crumble Rumble 4 – destroy the asteroid that flies in from bottom left. Fly around the edges until it spawns or re-enter the nebula. Unlocks Bot – Board Member.
- Puzzle Piece – fly to the stars in the bottom right, then near the top right a UFO with the puzzle piece will appear. If not fly around the edges or re.-enter the nebula.
That’s 100% of the collectibles you can find in Going Loco level in Astro Bot.
For more Collectible Guides, check out the complete Astro Bot Walkthrough.
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