An open world spanning some the Star Wars cannon’s most iconic locales, a trio consisting of a quick-witted protagonist, a adorable merquaal, and an enforcer droid, and a mean roster of crime syndicates ready to dish out lucrative heists – Star Wars Outlaws is, in some respects, screaming out for a multiplayer mode. Imagine the hours of fun you’d have role-playing as a smuggler with a buddy or two?
However, the game has been billed by Ubisoft as a single player experience from the very start, including in multiple interviews and listings on storefronts. There are no plans for the game to have a multiplayer component now or in the future through upcoming updates, expansions, or DLC.
No, Star Wars Outlaws isn’t multiplayer
The short answer is that Star Wars Outlaws is a purely single player game with no multiplayer mode or functionality. It’s a bit of a divergence from what we’d usually expect from a Ubisoft open-world, which historically includes multiplayer for friends and even strangers to take on quests together. This isn’t the case with Outlaws.
It’s more Assassin’s Creed Mirage than Far Cry 6 or Watch Dogs Legion in that sense. It possibly signals a trend over at Ubi towers to double down on purely single player games instead of squeezing in co-op or the like as box-ticking lip service to players. Speaking speculatively, Disney’s oversight of the project may have steered this decision with the IP holder wanting to deliver a very specific experience for players.
We could see skilled modders piece together some sort of janky multiplayer component, but this, again, is highly unlikely given there’s no underlying multiplayer code or network infrastructure.
All in all, if you’re banking on a multiplayer mode, then it’s not looking too bright right now. Aside from some major shift in post-launch development, which is unlikely, Outlaws is and will remain a single player game. Not to fret though, as there’s a stacked list of trophies and achievements to keep you busy especially if you want that coveted platinum.