All of the NPCs have their own questlines in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. Anyone you meet will have hidden side quests for you. Just like the main game there are no waypoints or objectives. The game wants you to figure out the steps by yourself.
As a rule of thumb: you always need to exhaust all dialogues with every NPC. Some will give you hints what to do, and some will give you items related to their side quest. A few quests have multiple outcomes depending on who you side with or what items you give to an NPC.
Missable Warning: The Point of No Return is when burning the Sealing Tree at Church of the Bud (unmissable story event). This is after the Romina main boss. After this all NPCs will disappear and their questlines will fail, except Queelign, Ymir/Jolán and Igon/Priestess which are the only ones that remain doable post-story. Do all questlines before burning the Sealing Tree. Keep a backup save if possible. The questlines for Hornsent & Hornsent Grandam have to be initiated before defeating Messmer boss in the Shadow Keep. The questline for Moore has to be initiated before doing the St. Tria & Thiollier questline.
The two most important questlines are St. Trina & Thiollier and Sir Ansbach. If you do their quests you can summon them to aid you against the final story boss, which makes it much easier. Without them you’d be solo against the endboss which is extremely difficult.
All NPC Side Questlines
- Sir Ansbach & Finger Knight Leda & Freyja
- Moore
- St. Trina & Thiollier
- Hornsent
- Hornsent Grandam
- Dryleaf Dane
- Ymir & Jolán
- Igon & Dragon Communion Priestess
- Fire Knight Queelign
For other guides check out Elden Ring Wiki.